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Information Security Icon

Information Security

This element refers to processes and methods for information security from all forms of cybercrime. Such as preventing illegal access, modification, and unauthorized destruction of information.

Application Security Icon

Application Security

Cyber security aims to prevent all forms of cyber attacks by increasing security in applications. Encryption, input validation, authorization, and session management are the most common threats to software or applications.

Operational Security Icon

Operational Security

Operational security in general is an element related to many things. Cyber attacks may occur when a system is not working, in this case operational security is needed to ensure they do not occur.

Network Security Icon

Network Security

Network security measures are an example of this type of cyber security. Communication networks are one element that is vulnerable to cyber attacks. The safety of the network for data exchange is ensured through network security.

Cloud Security Icon

Cloud Security

Cloud security ensures that network resources used by cloud-based applications and services are protected from threats.